William Chin

Monday, June 05, 2006

First Day to School (1-Jun-2006)

This is one of the most significant milestone in William's life...This is the day for him to start the chapter of school episode.
To many parents, a 2.5 years old toddler is still too young to go to school. I agree too. I would think 3 - 4 years old is a more appropriate age. But HK is crazy in its educational set up. They want to start it fast, and end it fast too.
By the time a kid reach 2 years 8 months old, he is eligible to start the official 3-year kindergarten program, which is from K1 to K3. Then when he is 5 years 8 months old, he can go to primary 1. The primary courses will take 6 years, and so does the secondary courses. The tertiary education will normally take 3-4 years time. Counting up, one will be graduated from the Universtiy when he / she is 21 or 22 years old. Fast, huh?
So, in view of William will start K1 when he is 2 years 8 months old by this September, we think maybe it's good to send him to the nursery class 2 months earlier so that he can adapt to the school setting before entering K1.

Soon after he woke up at 7.30am, he took his breakfast before going to the kindergarten. He seems happy that morning. A good start.

His new uniform set was all ready for him. This is the one he will wear on every Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. On Monday and Wednesday, there is another set of uniform, more sporting outfit.

He is very curious and interested in his school badge...

His big brother, Vincent, is going to the same Kindergarten too. Vincent is in K2 (afternoon session), William in nursery class (morning session).

It was a rainy morning. William "offered" his help to carry the umbrella for me. Also, he picked Buzz Lightyear to go to school with him.

Didn't want to get both of us wet, so we took a taxi. Suddenly, William became very quiet in the car. He knew he was on the way to school, I guess he has a mix feeling about it.

This is the entrance to the classrooms.

The computer corner next to the teacher's office.

The toilet where the kids will be taken there at least twice to ensure they won't pee on their pants.

This is the exit to the school's private playground.

The private playground for K1-K3 kids.

The private playground for nursery kids.

The long corridor leading to William's classroom.

The masterpiece of some students has been posted on the wall.

This is William's classroom.

Inside the classroom..there is 1 big table and 2 smaller tables cater for 26 kids, all below 2 years 8 months old.

A label is sticked on the table so that the teacher and the kids can remember their seat easily.

We arrived at 8.45am that morning, the kids were taking their breakfast (raisin bun + milk). 8.30-9.00 am is breakfast time.

"This is my milk, not yours" said William to his little friend.

Some sat there dreaming, some was looking around, some was running around...

There are too many toys there, William seem lost in this new world...

After looking for a while, finally he found his 1st targeted toy...

He took the toy back to his seat and play. I'm surprise to see that he returned it to its place before he took another one to his seat again. He repeated this for several times. At home, I didn't see him put the toys back to the place so automatically lo.

It's story time. We only managed to get William to sit in the group for 2 min. After a while, he walked away, continue to explore the classroom to see what kind of toys are available there.

This is one of the corner in the classroom.

Since this was his 1st day, we could leave earlier, i.e. 10am. I wanted to take a picture of him after school. I asked him to look at the camera, but he gave me this pose, sigh...

So, I gave him his favorite "Oreo" chocolate sandwich cookies to cheer him up.

He was all so happy then....

We walked though this residential garden to the bus station. William was following behind me, and munching his cookies all the way.

He thought I was playing with him since I turned my head behind several times to check him out...

Don't want to let him down, I continue to play with him. When we reached this separation wall, he hide himself. I guess he was playing "hide & seek" with me. Silly boy, he thought when he couldn't see me, so couldn't I too.

So I pretend I couldn't see him and shout for him. He showed up at the other side of the wall then, with this mischievous smile on his face. OMG, he is such a darling.

Finally, we were at home. I changed his clothes, and let him watched his favorite "Disney's Magical World of English" again.

I can't believe my baby boy is old enough to go to school now. How time does fly? Son, I wish you a happy learning and be capable to do what you want to do in life. Mommy will be here for you forever, I promise.