No doubt, daddy & mommy have always been my favourite. They really treat me like their little prince all these years.
Recently, Vincent ko-ko is my favourite too, but only when he gave in to my screams and cries over the things we both want at the same time.
The 4 of us, like to go to the downstair playground to kill time. Normally, there are many friends around to play with, so daddy and mommy can just sit there to day-dream. Anyway, even if our little friends didn't show up for reasons, we still have daddy or mommy to play with.

Yes, that's me. Going to be 3 soon.
Ko-ko, I will climb up there very soon, you just wait for your turn, ok?
One day, I'm gonna swing like Vincent Ko-Ko does. I just need more practice here...
Don't let go, daddy, pleaseeeeee....

Promise not to let me go no matter what happen, ok?

Ko-ko, I think you aren't going to lift me up like that..
Let's discuss discuss....

Ok, let's try this way. I put my arms around your neck to ease the weight..
Try harder, Ko-ko...try...
Sigh, I think I got to lose some pounds lah...
Let's bug daddy to lift us up then. I'm sure he can do it.

See, how true it is...
Daddycan offer us with different play modes - spin, jump, named it.
See what I mean. I'm loving it.

Finally, daddy get scared and want to escape. This is because we still want him to spin us repeatedly, though he said he has run out of battery.
We almost catch him...almost.

Ok, daddy said if we go home now, he will allow us to watch the 'Cat and Mouse'. (actually, it's 'Tom and Jerry', their new favourite cartoon show)