William Chin

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Old Photo - 5 Months

As you grow older, we could go for family outing more frequent then.

Luckily, you were not a difficult baby in daytime. But you were absolutely an impossible baby in night time. You would cried with no reason at night, sometimes 3-4 times per night, sometimes 6-7 times per night. Every night was like that until you reached 4 years old. We didn't know what's wrong with you, and that had became the mysterious X-files forever.

Old Photo - 4 Months

You became increasingly active and alert when you turned to 4, especially after you could roll over like ABC...I remember you always gave us that kind of "great surprise" look...

Grandma and auntie came to visit you. This was the first time you three met with one other.

You love to sleep in this rocking chair. In fact, daddy and I used to rock the chair (by leg) while we were taking our lunch or dinner.

By then, you and ko-ko had get more acquaintance to each other. You two could sit on the sofa and watched TV in peace.

Yeah, that's the look. What was that surprised you??

Old Photo - 3 Months

I couldn't remember it well, but this was probably the first outing we brought you together, when the weather was not too cold anymore. We went to Shatin Park that evening.

You seem to amazed by the gentle breeze and golden sunshire on your face...

Old Photo - 2 Months

You are the kind of baby whom the more ppl look at you, the more they like you...

At very young age (as young as 2 months old), you seem to be very alert to your surrounding, and the people who is around you as well.

I remember one night, I burped you as usual, after you've finished up your milk. Out of a sudden, you slowly turned your head and looked at me right in the eyes. It's like you were checking who burped you from behind. You scared me at first, then we looked at each other for quite some time, before you bowed your head down, must be tired, I guess.

That's one of my favorite photo...I still love it now, and I will love it forever.

Ko-ko dared not to touch you...but under mommy's encouragement, he reluctantly held you for the 1st time. And he kept giggled like he was holding a small animal in his arms.

You are a fast-developed baby, you started to roll over when you were nearly 3 months old.

Old Photo - 1 month

You seemed incredibly hungry every 3-4 hours (sometimes 2 hours), and you would cry so loud like the sky had fallen down if I made any delay feeding you milk. So, it's no wonder your size had inflated so fast in just 1 month time.....

Old Photo - Just Born

Mommy had decided to work on a big project for you....

I'm going to find the photos when you were small, started from a real tiny dot in my womb. Hope you enjoy the photos when you grow up later.

I will also attached the original copy here, so that when you need it one day, you can find it here easily.