Dog Pei-Pei
1. Every morning, you insist to drink milk in a feeding bottle. You said the milk tastes no good in a cup.
2. You still need to put on diaper at night time's sleep. Although you pee before sleep and you stop drinking milk at night time, you can't control your bladder very effective yet. Well, you said you will try it again when you are 5 later.
3. When we are all at home during the weekends, you would insist I stay home to accompany you. You won't allow mommy to go out for a while to shop or do something. Daddy's company is not an acceptable alternative. Are you being too possessive? or still having the separation anxiety?
4. You still cling on the blanket that you used since 2 years old. You called it dog pei-pei (Dog 被被). Although mommy had bought another hippo pei-pei for you as a substitution, you still want to cling on your dog pei-pei every night.
This is your dog pei-pei. You can't sleep without it.
When you sleep, you have the habit to rub one of the particular cornor until a big ring was created and disconnected. And there you start to rub another ring again, next to the old ring.
I asked you why do you like to rub on the cornor? You said you are worried the blanket would "go away" after you sleep. That's why you want to make a hole and put your thumb in it, so it won't go anywhere.
When I go to check on you before I sleep every night, for sure I will see you put your thumb in the hole, like this. It gives you a sense of security, isn't it?
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