We have been using the same tactic that we used on Ko-ko when it comes to 'teach' you how to ride a bicycle.
First, we detached one of the supporting wheels, left only one there. Then, we just let you ride on it every time you go to the playground at evening time. I think you have been riding on this re-condition bicycle for about 1 year.
Gradually, we saw you become less depending on that supporting wheel, especially when you made a turn around the cornor. Anyway, we want to wait some more time before taking away that wheel. After all, we think you are still small for this.
2 weeks ago, I went home earlier to check on you and ko-ko in the playground. I asked you if you want to ride on ko-ko's bicycle instead. You said ok. Then, I helped you to get on his bicycle that is a bit too high for you.
The first few times, you were a bit shaky on it. So, I have to follow you closely to prevent you from falling down badly. After a while, you can ride on your own already. Both of us were so happy that time.

This is the re-condition bicycle. There is no supporting wheel on the left hand side. Some parents thought the missing wheel was broken. And they asked us why we didn't get it fix. When they knew we removed it deliberately to 'teach' you how to ride independently, they were amazed to hear it. Although they think it's a brilliant idea, I have never seen any of them actually applied that on their kid's bicycle. Haha...
Daddy was here today too. Let's show him, shall we?
Daddy was still a bit worried about you. He walked behind you to want to protect you.
I have seen you ride on your own for several times by that time, so I am not as worried as Daddy.

As time pass, we see you're getting more confident on it.
Haha..piece of cake, isn't it?

Now you can ride, you demand a new bicycle for your own. So, what are we going to do with this one, huh? Daddy said you can still ride on this one for a bit longer, just remove the wheel and make the seat higher will do. Don't be upset with his decision,
ok? We will buy you a new one later.

How time does fly...you have grown that big.

I wish I can still carry you for a longer time, just like you wish the same too. But the fact is, you become so heavy that I think the time I can still carry you is going to end soon. Mommy's woe.
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